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VEX Clean Sweep is played on a 12’x12′ square field configured as seen above. Two alliances – one “red” and one “blue” – composed of two teams each, compete in matches consisting of a twenty-second autonomous period followed by two minutes of driver-controlled play. The object of the game is to attain a higher score than your opponent’s alliance by moving as many balls as possible onto their side of the field and by “locking up” small balls in the triangular goals. A bonus is awarded to the alliance that has the most total points at the end of the Autonomous Period.


2009-2010 VRC - Clean Sweep 

Each Small Ball Scored.....................1 pts

Each Small Ball Locked Up................3 pts

Each Medium Ball Scored.................5 pts

Each Large Ball Scored...................10 pts

Alliance with the most points at the end of Autonomous..................................10 pts

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